江苏春晨电缆有限公司生产JE电机引接线,A.B 两相联接,用于正反向计数、判断正反向和测速。 A.B two phase connection, used for counting forward and reverse, judging positive and negative and speed. A、B、Z 三相联接,用于带参考位修正的位置测量。 A, B and Z three phase connection for position measurement with reference position correction. A、A-,B、B-,Z、Z-连接,由于带有对称负信号的连接,电流对于电缆贡献的电磁场为 0,衰减较小,抗干扰较佳,可传输较远的距离。 A, A-, B, B-, Z, Z- connection. Due to the connection with symmetric negative **s, the electromagnetic field contributed by the current to the cable is 0, the attenuation is minimal, the anti-interference is the best, and the far distance can be transmitted. 对于 TTL 的带有对称负信号输出的编码器,信号传输距离可达 150 米。 For TTL encoder with symmetrical negative ** output, the ** transmission distance can reach 150 meters. 对于 HTL 的带有对称负信号输出的编码器,信号传输距离可达 300 米。JE电机引接线 For HTL encoder with symmetrical negative ** output, the ** transmission distance can reach 300 meters. 旋转编码器是一种能够进行测量转速的机器,测量转速的对象是电机。在进行电机转速的测量以后,就把相应的数值通过数字表进行反馈,然后,我们可以直接通过看屏幕上的数字,从而知道电机的实时转速到底是有多少。 Rotary encoder is a kind of machine that can measure speed. The object of measuring speed is motor. After measuring the speed of the motor, the corresponding value is fed back through the digital table. Then, we can see the number on the screen directly, so as to know how much the real time speed of the motor is. 旋转编码器的使用能够帮助我们了解电机的转速是多少。我们要知道,电机的转速是需要控制在一定的范围内的,过多不好,过少也不好。那么,我们怎么样才能够知道电机的转速到底是有多少,在以前可是一件不可能完成的事情,但是自从有了旋转编码器以后,想要知道电机的转速有多少不再是一件难事了。 The use of rotary encoders can help us understand the speed of the motor. We need to know that the speed of the motor must be controlled within a certain range. Too much and too little is not good. So, how do we know how much the motor is, but it's not possible to do it before, but it's no longer a difficult thing to know how much speed of the motor since the rotary encoder.