JFEM3000V电机引接线,**型编码器输出代码的区别是什么 What is the difference between the output code of the absolute encoder **型编码器的输出代码二进制码、BCD码和格雷二进制码的区别是什么 What is the difference between the output code binary code, the BCD code and the Gray binary code of the absolute encoder? 二进制码是以二进制形式表示数值的编码。较高位以2的n次方表示。JFEM3000V电机引接线 Binary codes are numeric codes in binary form. The highest level is expressed in the n order of 2. BCD码是以二进制形式表示的十进制编码,每个十进制数都以二进制编码来表示。 BCD codes are binary coded decimal encoding, and each decimal number is represented by binary encoding. 格雷二进制码属于可靠性编码,其中所有相邻整数在它们的二进制编码中只有一数位不同,也就是任意两个相邻的数之间转换时,只有一个数位发生变化,这样就大大减少了由一个状态到下一个状态时逻辑的混淆可能性。 Gray binary code belongs to the reliability code, in which all adjacent integers are only one digit in their binary code, that is, when the number of two adjacent numbers is converted, only one digit changes, thus greatly reducing the likelihood of confusion of logic from one state to the next. 以数值0~15为例,这三者的码值见下表。 Take numerical value 0~15 as an example, the code values of the three are shown in the table below. **型编码器输出代码的区别是什么 What is the difference between the output code of the absolute encoder