JFEM6000V电机引接线,分布电容 distributed capacitance 线圈的匝与匝间、线圈与屏蔽罩间、线圈与底版间存在的电容被称为分布电容。分布电容的存在使线圈的Q值减小,稳定性变差,因而线圈的分布电容越小越好。采用分段绕法可减少分布电容。 The capacitance between the turn and turn of the coil, between the coil and the shield, between the coil and the base plate is called the distributed capacitance. The existence of distributed capacitance causes the Q value of the coil to decrease and the stability becomes worse, so the smaller the distributed capacitance of the coil is, the better. The distribution capacitance can be reduced by using the piecewise winding method. 5、固有电容 5. Inherent capacitance 线圈绕组的匝与匝之间存在着分布电容,多层绕组层与层之间,也都存在着分布电容。这些分布电容可以等效成一个与线圈并联的电容C。 Distributed capacitance exists between the turns and turns of the coil winding, and there exists distributed capacitance between the multilayer winding layer and the layer. These distributed capacitors can be equivalent to a capacitor C parallel to the coil. 6、允许误差 6, permissible errorJFEM6000V电机引接线 电感量实际值与标称之差除以标称值所得的百分数。 The difference between the actual value and the nominal difference of the inductance is divided by the percentage of the nominal value. 7、标称电流 7. Nominal current 指线圈允许通过的电流大小,通常用字母A、B、C、D、E分别表示,标称电流值为50mA 、150mA 、300mA 、700mA 、1600mA 。 The magnitude of the current allowed by the coil is usually expressed by letters A, B, C, D and E. Nominal current values are 50mA, 150mA, 300mA, 700mA, 1600mA.