、绊人的桩不在高 违章的事不在小 A stumbling block is not a small thing in the high violation 12、避免事后痛心疾首 只有事前预防严守 12, avoid the grieving afterwards, only precaution strictly. 13、管理靠制度 制度在落实 13. Management depends on the system. 14、管理不善 事故不断 14. Mismanagement of accidents 15、违章蛮干铸成终身遗憾 遵章守纪伴你一生平安 15, violate the rules and act foolhardy and build lifelong regret. 16、安全是家庭幸福的保证 事故是人生悲剧的根源 16, safety is the guarantee of family happiness. Accidents are the root of life tragedy.计算机电缆 17、安全在于心细 事故出在麻痹 17. The safety lies in the paralysis of the heart. 18、“严”是安全的保证 “松”是事故的祸根 18, "strict" is the guarantee of safety. "Pine" is the curse of accidents. 19、好钢靠锻打 安全靠严抓 19, good steel is safe and strict by forging 20、安全管理**条 遵章守法预防早 20. The first compliance of the safety management and the prevention of the law 21、安全基础“三要素” 设备、管理和队伍 21, safety infrastructure, "three elements" equipment, management and team. 22、事故处理有规程 “四不放过”是准绳 22, it is the yardstick for accident handling that there is a rule that "four do not let go". 计算机电缆23、放过一件事故隐患 等于埋下定时炸弹 23, letting go of a hidden danger is a time bomb. 24、斩草要除根 安全须治本 24, to cut grass to eliminate the root of security must be the rule 25、效益源于生产 安全是生产效益的** 25, benefit is derived from production safety, which is the guarantee of production efficiency. 26、生产不安全 行船失罗盘 26. Production of unsafe ship miscarriage 27、忽视安全抓生产是火中取栗 脱离安全求效益是水中捞月 27, ignoring safety and grasping production is to pull the chestnuts out of the fire. 28、安全是效益的乘数 事故是效益的除数 28, safety is the multiplier of benefit, and accident is the divisor of benefit. 29、要想富 灭事故 29, want to be rich and extinguish the accident 30、安全、生产“两手”硬 质量、效益有保证 30, safety, production "two hands" hard quality, efficiency guaranteed. 31、一人违章 众人遭殃 31 32、当你违章作业之际 正是灾难降临之时 32. When you go against your homework, it's a disaster. 33、责任心是安全之魂 标准化是安全之本 33, sense of responsibility is the soul of safety. Standardization is the foundation of safety. 34、儿行千里母担忧 夫婿在岗妻惦念 34. 35、亲人翘首望 盼你安全归 35, relatives look forward to your safety 36、人人保安全 家家笑开颜 36. Everyone has a safe family and a smile 37、教训是血和泪的总结 37. The lesson is a summary of blood and tears 38、智者防患于前 愚者灭灾于后 38, the wise man can prevent the disaster from the former fools after the disaster 39、生命没有回头路 事故没有后悔药 39, life has no turning back accident without regret 40、勤为无价宝 慎为护身符 40, for the priceless treasure prudence as a talisman