斗轮机电缆,感情深,一口闷,酒后上班头发昏;上班之前不喝酒,互相提醒够朋友 A deep feeling, a stuffy, drunk work, hair dizzy; do not drink before going to work, remind each other enough friends. 21、筑安全长城,兴钻井经济 21. Building safe the Great Wall and drilling economy 22、安全警钟时常鸣,防范打锣经常敲 22. When the safety alarm bell is often ringing, guard against the frequent knockout of the gong 23、安全管理扣扣相连,生产效益节节攀高 23, safety management is buttoned up and linked up, and production efficiency is steadily increasing. 24、分分秒秒珍惜生命,时时刻刻重视安全 24, treasure your life in seconds, and always pay attention to safety. 25、居安思危年年乐,警钟长鸣岁岁欢 25, live in danger of the year, the alarm bell ringing 26、安全意识“得过且过”;危险隐患“得寸进尺” 26, safety consciousness "muddle through"; hidden danger is "insatiable". 27、危火、危电、危操作,无危不在;细心、小心、责任心,齐心以待 27, danger, danger, danger, operation, danger, absence, care, care and responsibility. 28、人以安为乐 厂以安为兴 28. People take an as a music factory with An Weixing 29、客户是上帝,质量是生命,地球是市场,安全是** 29, the customer is God, quality is life, the earth is the market, and safety is the guarantee. 30、生产*安全保驾 生命*安全** 30, production * safety protection life * safe escort 31、安全意识在我心中,安全生产在我手中 31, safety consciousness is in my heart, safety production is in my hands. 32、上班多留神,慎防意外生 32. Be careful in work and be cautious of accidental birth 33、继天下之大任,防灾患于未然 33, after the great responsibility of the world, the disaster prevention is in the bud 34、安得**在,全心为生产 34. The people of Andy are in the process of production. 35、事故后果紧系心,安全素质不断升 35. The consequences of the accident are tight and the safety quality is rising. 安全生产警示语 Safety warning language 1、安全天地宽 国泰人民安 1 2、居安思危 思则有备 有备无患 斗轮机电缆2 3、不怕有患 就怕无防 3, not afraid of suffering from fear of no defense 4、只有防微杜渐 才能防患未然 4, only the prevention and treatment can be in the bud 5、千里之堤溃于蚁穴 小洞不补 大洞难堵 斗轮机电缆5, a thousand miles of levees collapse in the nest. 6、隐患不除 危机四伏 6. Hidden dangers are not in danger of danger 7、安全是个聚宝盆 属于守法遵章人 7. Security is a treasure trove of law-abiding people 8、安全生产年年好 经营效益步步高 8, safe production of good operating benefit BBK 9、规章是安全生产的标尺准绳 9. Rules are the yardstick of safety production 10、条条规章血写成 人人必须严执行 10. The rule of blood is written for everyone to be strictly executed