江苏春晨电缆有限公司生产春晨5*85+7*54YFFB扁电缆450/750,一:产品特点及用途 本产品具有耐寒、柔软、耐磨、防油等特性,适用于交流额定电压0.6/1KV及以下具有耐寒、防油等特殊要求的移动电器用连接电缆,目前本产品已广泛应用于冶金、电力、船舶、汽车制造等行业。电机为工业发展不可缺少的一大要素,并扮演着重要的角色。电机的应用不仅在动力应用方面不断扩大,而且在控制领域的使用范围也在不断扩大。随着控制电机重要性的增加,控制电机的使用量也逐年增加。春晨5*85+7*54YFFB扁电缆450/750步进电机是一种控制电机,不使用反馈回路,就能进行速度控制及定位控制,即所谓的电机开环控制。其应用主要以处理办公业务能力很强的OA(Office Automation,办公自动化)机器和 FA(Factory Automation, 工厂自动化)机器为核心,并广泛应用于医疗器械、计量仪器、汽车、游戏机等。就数量来讲,0A机器方面的应用约占步进电机使用总数的75%。 Motor is an indispensable factor in industrial development and plays an important role. The application of motor is not only in power application, but also in control field. With the increasing importance of control motor, the use of control motor is increasing year by year. Stepping motor is a kind of control motor. Without feedback loop, speed control and positioning control can be carried out, that is, the so-called motor open-loop control. Its application mainly focuses on OA (office automation) machine and FA (factory automation) machine with strong ability to handle office business, and is widely used in medical devices, measuring instruments, automobiles, game machines, etc. In terms of quantity, the application of 0A machine accounts for about 75% of the total use of stepping motor.